Bummer's 1998 rebuild

Not too much new. Got the bars on, with the levers and kill switch also some new grips. Waiting on parts for the rear end, should be soon.
I double checked, and there are no bolts here, but I hadn't recalled them being there when we tore the rear apart. That throttle housing would look great in OEM matte/semi with those letters polished, hint hint, would only take about 45 minutes too..lol maybe this weekend????..lol
also, I got the aluminum dug out, so you can bring one of the blasty's out and I will whip up some a-arm skid plates for it. once fabbed, I will polish em up nicely for ya to really make this pop. I did forget to give you the new repl ball joint caps also.
That all sounds good. I was hoping to come out on sunday, I am still missing the extra rear rims and the right heel guard. The heel guard should have been done in the yellow if that help while searching for it.
Just got the parts for the axle. New bearings and seals, also all the hardware for putting it all back together. Also got a used rear skid plate that needed alot of attention. Just missing one castle nut to keep it from being a roller. Going to have to go to the stealership in the morning and hand them over my wallet.

Probably going to paint this white. I am sure it will come back from the mountain all tore up.



My son hates this crazy front bumper. He wants me to take the AC Racing one off of my 01, but I might run it. Amazingly it doesn't hit the front tires at all.

Thats a pretty cool bumper , im sure some 4x4 quads would like to have something like that ! , Progress is coming along good , those colors are growing on me !
lookin good for making it's maiden voyage on the mountain in 2 weeks !!!!!!
(my mountain mistress luvs virgins, LOL)
Thats a pretty cool bumper , im sure some 4x4 quads would like to have something like that ! , Progress is coming along good , those colors are growing on me !

Thanks man The colors are wearing you down huh, lol. Not sure what it is about the bumper but I kind of like it. My eight year old says it is ginormous.
Got the castle nuts for the axle. Its a roller!!! Also got my new AC Racing grab bar from Ebay 30 bucks with shipping I was the only one to bid



Refinished the seat got the donor foam from Ebay and put this bikes cover on it. The foam from the seat that I had was tore up really bad and the PO had it filled in with pieces of towel. It turned out pretty well for a first timer.



Got the motor installed. Got 130 Lbs. of compression, this bike has not seen much use for a 98 still on its original bore. Got the throttle and clutch hooked up.


Need to get some hardware to hook up the shorty cable for the rear brakes, and then should be able to wrap it up with all the plastics. Hope to finish it up tonight
Well got it all together last night. It was nice my father and son helped get it all together. It passed the Slickerthanyou test


After that it was all on exhaust, new sprockets and chain, and finally the plastics. It came out really nice. Still waiting on the other heel guard, will just borrow the one off of my 01 to ride till it makes it here. The color combo has really grown on me as well as the crazy front bumper. I had a good time building the bike can't wait to rip on it now. Already looking forward to the next......

The builders: my dad and son




Looks good but like above , the handlebars look weird on there , maybe swap to a Stock style bar with a Crossbar for extra strength , Those just look out of place