2006 Blaster I picked up today


Jun 30, 2013
South Western PA
I picked up this 2006 today for $200!!!! Its not running, but for 2 bills I Dont care.
The good. The Bearings all seem good, Plastics in good shape, Tires not too bad....and the best thing...A Full DMC Alien Exhaust...Its still shiny!! the cylinder looks like a mild port job was done.

The Bad, Piston was seized, I pulled it out already, The Arm bushings are bad, and the rear brake piston is seized. IM just going to tinker with this one for a bit, but this week Im takinh the cyl to my friends shop to see what needs done. Im kind of afraid I might be out of bores. The piston was a 67.95mm stamped on the top. :(

Heres the pics

Ill put up the cylinder pics later on!

Im so happy with this find, it was well worth the hour drive to get it.I:I

Thanks guys. Im excited. Exhaust is going on my Blue Blaster, Im going to order some Jets and Plugs tomorrow. Last night I finally got all my a-arm bushings changed. I really haven't ridden in 2 weeks because my front end needed some attention. But tomorrow we plan on ripping up the trails. Only a few more weeks till Archery season starts, so I have to get my riding in now, Then as my wife says " You turn into a hermit that lives in a treestand for a month." She has no Idea what she is missing :)
Bear in mind that at below 3/4 throttle opening the DMC Alien is thirsty as it is low/mid pipe..

DMC recommends the clip on the stock needle to be at its richest setting.
Great deal !

Put up a wanted ad maybe? For a cylinder, someone on here will probably sell you one pretty cheap that needs a bore !

$200 quad, maybe $300 for a new top end and you got a really cheap blaster!
I'm already looking around Herp, got a few leads already. I'm thinking that this will be the extra quad to take the 350x's place. I'm kicking around keeping this for my daughter for when she gets older. Any way I slice it, I'm still smiling!!!
Ive been tinkering with this bike and motor for the last week. I found a cylinder, and had it bored honed and matched to a new namura piston. figured I'd try a namura on this bike. That way I have one forged, one cast, and I can see what I prefer better. Well to make a long story short.I got it all home today, started assembling the top end, got it all done, ate and went back for a leakdown. Fail!!!! I have bad crank seals. The good thing is Im in no hurry for this bike to run. I'm going to order some oil seals and clutch cover gaskets tomorrow. I also need to get a unifilter for this one, it still has the black stock one in it.
Ill take some pics tomorrow of the motor and the Blaster. I did shine up the plastics earlier in the week. I used the mop and glo method.

As Promised, here are a few pics of what Ive been doing to this one. Engine is waiting on crank seals. Frame and plastics all cleaned up. Random zip ties on parts of the bike courtesy of my 5 year old. Most of my parts will be here Thursday and Friday. Its looking like I'll have it back together next week sometime...I hope! We are planning a good ride this weekend. Last official one of the season. Im going to be a traitor and ride my Brothers KFX 700:p I love my Blaster, but that thing is flat out fun to ride! I'll put some progress pics up later on in the week.

Thanks 89! Some of my stuff showed up today, Just waiting on the Flywheel puller to arrive. I did get the spacers on and loc-tited. Time for bed now...work comes too soon.
Im back! My DSL Modem took a poop saturday and I just got my new one installed today. Never realized how much I needed the internet untill I didn't have it.

Ive been working on the motor for the last few days. I found out a few new things.
1. Someone before me totally fudged the threads on the flywheel. I got it off, but it was not fun.
2. The woodruff Key was sheared off also.
3. A few of the Screws holding the magnets in the flywheel were AWOL also.

The Kid I got this off of told me it just quit running. This is starting to make a little more sense after I found this. This Motor is going to take awhile longer than expected to get back to good.

I have a question that I hope someone can answer for me. I have an extra running 2000 motor. If I put it on this 2006, will I just have to ground the green/white wire that's coming back from the harness? Or is it more involved than this?

Thanks in advance!
Well Now I discovered that when I removed the flywheel, I also mushroomed the first Thread on the end of the crank. This Motor is starting to look like an all winter split the cases kind of deal now. Im kind of pissed, but its probably better in the long run for me to get in there and Changed the bearings, seals, Etc. Hey I still only paid $200 for it!
I might be able to get away with that. I'm not sure of the thread size though. I might look into later today. I've just gotten mad at it and walked away for awhile. But Im sure by the weekend I'll get my drive to work on it back.