Young Black dude Vs Old White Man

i think when ppl start banning words there is a problem. i mean call me honky,white,cracker, whetever. i live in a prominately black area and i live black people and as far as i know african americans use the word n+++r more than any honky i know and i have never been told off for calling a man black haha. i mean really cant we all just get along. but yea im with the old guy in this video. the african american should have stayed in his seat and not have been so cocky and a mouth jock.

still, i would never call an african american a n** or black man and if an african american called me a hon*** i'd slap him right on the spot and leave it at that.... come on now we're all equal but yeah, that vid was funny lol
Everybody crying racist sh*t!!!!!!! Bahahaha lames. Get out of line you get your ass beat, thats what I saw in this video. You want to see some racists sh*t go google up "black on white crime statistics."
You wanna see black on white racist go to the Mount pocono walmart up here. The blacks walk around like they own the place. By far this is the best video ever. I don't care who's side your on the black guy couldn't leave the white guy alone so old white guy took him to school. And just listen in the video the black woman says I got it on video we can press charges. Give me a break he gets his ass handed to him after talking sh*t now they want to call the police. Thats how it works most of the time there all badass till they get beet down then its a hate crime. I have black friends but trust me there is a difference between blacks and n***ers and the guys I know will tell you the same thing.
i know this is getting old. but id just like to add my 2 pennys. if tom the white guy realy did ask that guy for a spit shine and wasnt actualy offerd [ to be honest i dont think he was offered i think the black guy is innocent] that makes tom in the wrong, i dont care what colour you are if you ask me to spit shine your shoes in public id break your feet off.
black people are black and white are white, you can call a black man black thats not racist, he is black!, you can call me white because im white! its the context that matters if you say you white SOB,thats singling you out on the colour of your skin, in other words racist. theres no need for words like ni**er or h*nky, that is pure racisism. there was no need for the girl to shout pinky, and beat his white ass that was racist.
there is definetly a racial element in this, all that crap aside, dude got owned!!!!!!! lol