where's the best place



so i was at the yamaha dealer yesterday pickin up my piston and i stumbled across a yamaha sticker... just wondering the best place to put it to get the most hp?
what??? stickers Don't do sh*t, maybe slow it down with the extra weight not really though lol
well if u put it on the exhaust pipe, right where it comes out of the motor it will be able to breath better thus getting more HP
thanks guys! i was leaning towards the carb inlet also but i dont know... thanks for the suggestions
dude my friends brothers uncles cousins dogs previous owners sons wifes uncles best friends sisters brother in law has a hemi and he put 2 racing stripes on it and they added +10hp each! true story dude i swear to god ask anyone im not lieing if i was liieing whould i say it was a true story?? no so im deffff telling the truth dude i swear...

ohhh funny funny funny

but if that kids being serious hes shouldnt have a quad.. just a helmet.. only the helmet.
ahahahahaaAHHAHAAHAHAHHAA ahhhh mannnn
nah.. you take out the sparkplug and shove the sticker in the hole and fire it up, that gives you this monster gain... almost like a 300 kit...

(and guys, if he was serious lol, he SHOULD have a quad.. but no helmet.. and he should be told to gun it and pop clutch :) )
You could possibly stick it on your forehead for more brain power? I:I just a thought. jk
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