Want to Trade r/c helicopters and/or parts for various blaster parts


Aug 20, 2015
Rossville, Ga
Like the title says, looking to possibly trade some of my rc heli stuff, for parts and accessories for my blaster.

Since getting the litte blaster the atv bug that has been repressed for 15 or more years, has sprung to life. As a result, a couple grand of Radio Controlled helicopters, parts, and accessories has bEgan to collect dust in various places around the house.

I have helis for various skill levels frpm begginner, to a stretch 500mm Professional 3D powerhouse.
P.M. me if interested.
I would like to give members here with similar interests, a chance at this stuff before I start selling it.

Lol they are really hard to fly I started with a fixed pitch 120sr (sill have it) and it isn't too hard to fly but it's a bit limited, as I can only fly upright and lift is dependent on rotor speed only, so if you mess up and need to catch your self there is a delay while the motor and blades build speed.
Then you have the collective pitch helicopters were the blade pitch contour lift my Protos 500 will do around 60 mph maybe more, and fly upside down, with enough lift to rocket straight up out of sight In a couple of seconds, and a cyclic rotation rate of over 360° per second (peak is around 540-600 °/second) all controlled by an inch or so of stick movement. It pretty touchy and pretty wicked.
You tube: Protos smooth 3d, Gaui pulls Ferrari, and Smack 3d , all 3 seperately of course and you will get an idea of what they are capable of.
Typically you want to start with, a fixed pitch, or at least self level on a collective pitch heli, use a training X ( 4 table tennis balls on a couple thin dowels tied to the landing gear) it wil, keep you from tipping over and help pad bad landings.
