Need some votes!

Jul 29, 2008
Reading PA
Hey guys and gals I entered a contest to win a set of BMF wheels for my truck. I need the most votes to win so If you can help me out I would very much appreciate it!! Here is the link
BMF Wheels - Product/Service - Orange, CA - Heavy Duty Contest | Facebook . My name on there is Justin Steiner. Its the Green 89 silverado reg cab long bed. U can see its in desperate need of some new rims lol. All you need to do is go down to view and vote.


Here is the pic I entered. I know its not the newest or best looking but its a tank and never let me down.
voted for ya,
but thats bullshit, the trucks that already have wheels, and obviously enuf money for new ones, are winning
it should have been for stock wheeled trucks only
the guys who need them the most should be winning, not some decked out pulling truck
but, if everyone on here would vote for ya, you stand a chance
i dont even use FB, i used my girls accnt.
I don't use face book so I'm not sure how to vote for you. I looked on there from the link but didn't see your truck or know how to pre if I did.
Hey guys and gals I entered a contest to win a set of BMF wheels for my truck. I need the most votes to win so If you can help me out I would very much appreciate it!! Here is the link
BMF Wheels - Product/Service - Orange, CA - Heavy Duty Contest | Facebook . My name on there is Justin Steiner. Its the Green 89 silverado reg cab long bed. U can see its in desperate need of some new rims lol. All you need to do is go down to view and vote.


Here is the pic I entered. I know its not the newest or best looking but its a tank and never let me down.

voted need some help back