Jetting Question...Too Lean? Immediate help, please


New Member
Sep 30, 2007
Leonardtown, (Southern) Maryland
Alright, so I put my 28mm carb on last night and from what I could tell before it got to normal temp, it ran fine...

Today took it for a longer ride and got into it. At WOT, it acted like it didn't have fuel then back fired, but up to 3/4 throttle, it was good. I know it's the main jet. However my question is I don't know what jet to put in it.

I have:
200 Installed

I can't figure out which one to put in to make it run good.
whene its lean ,do thats test ,warm up the engine to normal temp, then snap the trothle if it bug than go its lean if it go right up you are almost there!! but nothing replace a good plug check bring a couple new plug with you!!!