any MMA fans here?

Dude im a huge fan... Cool ass post... My fav is Chuck Liddell... Hes the "only one" to knock out couture and he did it twice... Hes been slipping lately but hes bad... Whoa wait what somebody said GSP vs. Spider Silva? I thought silva was fighting "light heavy weight" now. Ill check the net.. That would be a bad fight..
On another note..Kimbo aint sh*t.. His internet fights, ya theres blood and stuff their bare nuckling it. I hope he gets his ass whipped in the "House", if he makes it through he will get served in the real ring. He's all hype for the show, thats all ..
hendo's a great fighter and probably the least cocky of them all. i'm glad he finally shut up bispring in 100
i agree kimbo aint sh*t..he got KOed by seth petruzelli in under a minute..Kimdo is a heavy weight petruzelli is a light heavy..Kimbo is overrated trash..heres a link to the fight - MMA, UFC, Mixed Martial Arts Fight Videos

Ya for real ... IM changing my pic.. i hate "Bimbo Slice" more than melvin guillard.. Hes old and overrated. Just another puss on you tube.. They advertising him on "The Ultimate Fighter". What are real MMA fighters supposed to be scared of him or somethin cause he looks like a gorilla. lmao.
The only reason hes on the show is for ratings..everyone has seen his youtube fights so the show will bring in more veiwers...all about the ratings man
i give kimbo credit for turning some street fights into some $$$, but i saw someone take him to the ground once, and he flopped around like a fish outta water, he wont make it thru the house
and wasn't hendo's knockout of loudmouth bisbing one of the best ever, did you see that last slam for good measure after he was already out, haha
deigo sanchez, clay guida, and bj penn, my favs right now, liddel and griffin too, hated tito ortiz and now gsp
they say gsp cheated in his fight with bj penn, he used some illegal grease to negate bj's submissions, and ya cant deny brock lessner

he also paid a guy to kiss bj penn while he was on the way to the ring......he said it was to break his concentration lol..........i hate gsp.......but he is a awesome fighter