Recent content by TIAGOSA77

  1. TIAGOSA77

    Help please...

    No its not before warming up when in 1 or 2 she goes doesnt accelarate like if its stuck and sudently she looses up and goes full speed. Thats why i crashed because i was changing direction and i had changed the grab grips but the trigger was stuck on them (i know i should have noticed...
  2. TIAGOSA77

    Help please...

    Thaks a lot i ll try it . Maybe ill leave in the mecanic for a check up and see how much money to jet
  3. TIAGOSA77

    Help please...

    No the carb is stock, but its clean
  4. TIAGOSA77

    Help please...

    The reeds aint the problem i´ve allready checked, and do u mean when u ask if its jetted? My tecnical english aint so good...
  5. TIAGOSA77

    Help please...

    Hi there, I recently had a serious accident and just came back home ,now i´m trying to put the blaster ok. after working on the quad i managed to fix allmost all of the problems except for some choke when i start riding. she works great but in 1 and 2 gear she chokes when i start accelarating...
  6. TIAGOSA77

    Official Blaster Photos Thread

    It ´s not paint it´s an orange graphic of a Blaster. In the picture u cant see it very well but i have them on both sides
  7. TIAGOSA77

    Hi everibody!!!!

    Thanks Thanks for the welcome and for all of your contributions to the forum i registered about 2 months and since i check blasterforum almost every day. Hope i can learn and share 2 stroke addiction with u [/URL][/IMG]
  8. TIAGOSA77

    Official Blaster Photos Thread

    My Blaster Heres a couple of pics [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG]
  9. TIAGOSA77

    Hi everibody!!!!

    Hi there greatings from Portugal, i always visit this forum but never figure out how to participate. I found this forum valuable for fixing some problems specially now that after a fall i returned from the hospital , since i dont understand much of mecanics i founded here a big help. Thanks...