Neon yellow or white?

CF is a dark color so it would be just like a black hood and match any color. CF and yellow would look just fine.

Hmmm good point guess I never thought of that. Plus yellow is deff different, a white blaster is just another white blaster, and its cheaper.
And if I dont like it, I can always go white
Thanks again for the imput, if anyone has anything else to say or a compleatly different idea all togather.. say so, I'm open to any ideas
be different... Thats the best way to go!!

see thats how everyone should think. atleast i do.

i attempted to be different by going with orange, i was going to do green but saw a green blaster frame and was like no i aint being the same so i went orange and BAM after that, what 3 others on here have orange frames?