Winter jetts

its a stock engine with a fmf fatty pipe with bills silencer, boysen stock cage reeds but just stock everything pretty much
well.. than prob 2-3 mains over where your at now, prob one up on the pilot... maybe have to go oe up on the needle clip but may not..

my 01 got away with stock pilot, needle up 2 and 280 main
I live in Maine and my main is 290 and clip is 2nd down from top with fmf pipe and lid
yes stock jets ARE WAY TO LEAN!! with the pipe should should be jetted up.. stock jets with a aftermarket pipe is a distater waiting to happen... no lid boysen reeds and no lid i was at a 180 for warm weather and 300 for cold
No should start the same but riden hard will burn it up so if you ride the bike hard and not moving much in the snow or ice it will melt the rings so go up on the main jet i would say a 290 maybe every blaster runs diff but try a 290 an check your plug you do not want gray or white on your plug