
damn bro, that sucks
collar bone breaks are painful for weeks, especially when they throw a sling on you and send you on your way.
I onced jumped a hill with steel barrel on fire on other side. This was all due to my friends. Was on my KX80. Mid air saw a tree so jumped off. Ended up jumping into the tree. Ended up with hospital ride and concussion.
no way that (opposite of suck) painfull as hell i bet, pubsh whisky throttle it no one hits a tree on pourpose fellas
at least no one thought you were dead and buried ya in the woods. sorry if you dont think thats funny at all (trying to lighten the mood a bit) hope ya get better
oh yea I ran over a skinny 5 foot christmas tree on a 300fourtrax at 35mph made the quad go vertacal and slowly lean back to the ground not even a sctatch go figure
oh yea I ran over a skinny 5 foot christmas tree on a 300fourtrax at 35mph made the quad go vertacal and slowly lean back to the ground not even a sctatch go figure

After first that's how I thought I made out didn't even feel it, then 20 minutes went by and oh I felt it. My friend got bucked off a quad and then it ran him over kfx 400, completely fine. I was so surprised looked really bad.

I think I'm like 3rd person to break my collar bone at this riding spot. LOL I:I
jeaz no kidding? yea the 300 4trax dident launch me I was planted to the seat the real stupid thing was If I dident hit that tree there was a mesh fence 25 ft away
Tell her it happened cause you were on a bike and that's why you have a quad, and you'll never ride a bike again
true...very true i wouldent go anywhere near bikes(except here obviously) for a month with her even arround so your guranteed to keep your blaster.
wow just wow they almost have to give you light pain meds for that so that'll be a plus for this whole ordeal just keep in mind the best medicine is always bitter
Going in for surgery tomorrow plates and screws!

we need some cell phone pics of the x-rays
and i wish they'd have offered me plates and screws, thats gotta be better than bones grinding together for weeks every time you move
man i bet that totally sucks I broke my left fore arm once when I was like 13-14 like an inch or 2 from the joint and that took like 6weeks to heal all up all good as new. went the whole day or 2 before some one told me it was broke and we went to the hospital. We figure this out cause it was pizza night I had one slice and wanted to sleap at like 8 at night and my parents thought that was pretty fishy lol By the way my injury was before I ever rode.