This guy is pissed!!!!

I too, flagged him for foul language...

About 85% of the time, postings that are flagged are properly flagged. It can be something as simple as the guy used a third party picture posting service. Craigslist allows 4 medium size photos at the bottom of the ad.

If the guy with the speedboat cannot read the user agreement (that he MUST click "I agree" to to get the posting out there) and follow the rules, he doesn't deserve the right to use an INCREDIBLE free classified listing service like
This is what it said, and I quote
Listen up f***tard: you are wasting your time flagging my post. It literally takes me less than 30 seconds to repost my ad, and I will do so every time you flag it. Personally I do not care why you keep flagging it because whatever the reason is it's bullsh!t and you should mind your own f***ing business. My boat is well worth the asking price. Which has also been posted in the add so anyone who is interested knows what level their trade should be on. It's a legitimate post. It's not a scam or spam. So in summation you can just suck my ****ing ****. How about you email me and give me your address so I can come kick your inbreed rotten hillbilly teeth in. Fagot!" <<<must not have spell
Hahaha oooh internet tough guys. I'm guessing by the way he used the word "hillbilly" hes a pud whackin' city boy pussy. Country life forever baby! lol
Hehe some people know all the right things to say. I'd be funnier if you told him you were a woman and gave him an even harder