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looks good Mark
the wood boogies are for patching over the screw heads :)
Spent this morning cleaning and putting stuff on shelves. Time to get back to working on the blaster.

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this is your piston, it will do this for years with proper cooling and lubrication........


this is your piston without proper cooling and lubrication.............

didn't we see that at powerline park last year ? :)
Just have to ask, you do you guys pull the trigger on big purchases for the blaster? I currently have almost everything besides motor work, pipe and shocks in my ebay shopping cart to do a complete overhaul but I just cant seem to push the buy now button. I keep thinking I should put this money into a brand new 4 wheeler instead of this 2 stroke. But I love the blaster! I want to have an amazing blaster, and I know what I put into it is not what I would get out of it if I ever sell it.
I do it all the time and I never regret it. I like the blaster a lot to and trust me it's worth it. And you can make your money back just part it out
I just hit the buy button and pay for it and them forget about it. :) Its only $$. Glad I'm single and have no kids.
Just have to ask, you do you guys pull the trigger on big purchases for the blaster? I currently have almost everything besides motor work, pipe and shocks in my ebay shopping cart to do a complete overhaul but I just cant seem to push the buy now button. I keep thinking I should put this money into a brand new 4 wheeler instead of this 2 stroke. But I love the blaster! I want to have an amazing blaster, and I know what I put into it is not what I would get out of it if I ever sell it.

I say go for it. Can't beat the feeling you get when it's all done and you know it was YOU that built it.