Porting Basics and Fundamentals

Jan 22, 2014
Remington VA
I saw the nice article posted entitled "porting 101" and not trying to steal any thunder away from that post as it was excellent. I just thought this website offered lots of interesting information behind theory, tooling, software and so on. They even have a whole section about a blaster build.


Enjoy my friends! :)
Old news Boss. I saw, and built an identical replica of this engine about 6 years ago. Mr Dizzy left a bunch on the table. The engine ran great and pulled nice low and mids but fell on it's ass after that. We experimented with FMF, Toomy, and CPI exhausts. The Toomy worked the best. If you read the entire article, he states how he built this for a young fellow, that climbed a hill, flipped it, and was at a stand still from there because he needed to buy a new rear axle and that was it. The exhaust port was raised, a base plate was added, and the top of the cylinder was cut. He did nothing to the width of the exhaust port or it's size. He also did little to nothing to the intake other than grind the bridge into something that I would fire people for. I wasn't impressed with his build or the power it made. Home port job at best if you have the machines to cut the cylinder. I gave the engine to my wife and she was happy with it. He does post a lot of useful tips.
I won't argue any of that Ken. Thats more or less what I posted the article for would be theory and fundamentals, what details to pay attention to, how to use a degree wheel, etc. Lots of images and so on. Good information for someone looking to research a few things about a 2 stroke and how it functions and where to go about squeezing power from it.
McDizzy gave me a lot of information regarding two strokes. I did a build like this with a spacer and was happy with it, subsequently, I have taken the spacer out and am using another ported cylinder, I cant say I picked up a big difference without the spacer. I liked the theory of it and it does make sense when you look at port timing and intel from the jennings handbook, but i Never really felt the benefits.