My bottom end SUCKS

You need to do leak test and plug chop in order to make sure no air leak and to make sure jetting is correct, be sure to do leak test first cause if you have a air leak you will be chasing jetting forever and not get it right which will result in failure and money and most importantly nothing to ride.
Compression test!

Leakdown test!

Check thet your jetting suits your mods, then plug chop, get 2 or 3 plugs.

Reed spacer block on the jug side of the reeds, will add no power but will move the powerband to come in at lower revs.

+4deg timing mod will also shift the powerband to come in eairler.
Compression test!

Leakdown test!

Check thet your jetting suits your mods, then plug chop, get 2 or 3 plugs.

Reed spacer block on the jug side of the reeds, will add no power but will move the powerband to come in at lower revs.

+4deg timing mod will also shift the powerband to come in eairler.

compression test is ok i know that, its at 130
leakdown teaster is in the works\
plugchop maybe today I:I
you didnt even leak test???

oh hey guys here my new go pro vid. i shouldnt be riding, i should actually LEAK TEST and do a PLUG CHOP before i BURN UP the cylinder i just put on but hey, ill get to it after....
so i went for a ride down by
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Leak test before plug chop, because if it is leaky the plug chop will be false.

I know it is tempting to ride, but leak test before you do damage, if you have not already done some.
you didnt even leak test???

oh hey guys here my new go pro vid. i shouldnt be riding, i should actually LEAK TEST and do a PLUG CHOP before i BURN UP the cylinder i just put on but hey, ill get to it after....
so i went for a ride down by

"local boy killed piston found lodged in face"