Motor Problems


New Member
Feb 10, 2011
Westchester, Ny
my master link clip on the chain came off while i was racing and the link slid out and it put a hole in the case behind the sprocket. After that happened it stayed running but wouldnt move when i was going through gears. now it wont start. Anyone got any idea what happened???
my master link clip on the chain came off while i was racing and the link slid out and it put a hole in the case behind the sprocket. After that happened it stayed running but wouldnt move when i was going through gears. now it wont start. Anyone got any idea what happened???

You already know. You put a hole in the case. A hole in the case=engine air leak. Engine air leak=extremely lean condition. The case will have to be fixed or replaced altogether.
Most chain breaks don't break the CRANKcase, only the transmission case (same hunk of aluminum but physically separated inside) and would not result in a lean condition UNLESS some part of the broken case got pinched between the main shaft of the transmission and the crankcase area and cracked it.

Even then, it would require some time before the engine would no longer run
i snapped a chain on my R6 popping a wheelie. when those break off they whip around smashing everything! even ur heel thats y they have heel guards for street bikes. but anyway, my crank case cracked, chrome swinger scratched up and it still leaks oil til this day. i dont feel like ripping out the motor plus its my stunt bike anyway