Lion cubs and other things


Your Friendly South African Ambassador
Mar 26, 2008
East London, South Africa
Today, I went with my girlfriend to a nearby game park.

Just a few pics of the random stuff we saw, since you guys are other there and Im over here, thought you may like to see them??:)





They also had 2 lion cubs which had been abandoned b theor mother, so we were allowed to play with them! Yes that is me holding one!

Quite amazing these little dude grow into the massive guys you see below! their dark colouration grows out with age, it serves as camoflouge when they are young.






Here is a Whote lion, there are extremely rare, and are only really found in a few parks around my region of SA, which is the only place in the world they are found as far as I know.

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I can't be the only one thinking it, where are the pictures of the G/F?! I:I

Looks like you had an awesome trip and saw some really cool stuff out there.
Yeah them little guys look like house cats , it is amazing they grow into 600 plus pound pussy cats .
Thanks for posting those pics , that's cool . Have some International Green !!!!
good pics bro !

someone point hudak to this thread, i think i see a unicorn in that 3rd pic
that would be fun... none of the places here allow you to play with the cubs. There is a really cool Big Cat sanctuary back in colorado that I used to visit quite frequently (Tigers are a passion of mine) and there you could volunteer and play with the cubs while they did medical checkups to mom if you are in the right place at the right time. Never got to play with any though.


funny thing is, I HATE house cats, but love big cats... meh.

cool pics man. That tortoise is less than pleased im sure.

And just dont let the GF know about the pics - or the site all together... and if she finds out, well, if shes anything like mine, my condolences to your family. lol.

- Justin
haha well Awk, yes that one Impala with one horn was having a face-off with the other one, they actually had a scrap and high tailed it out of there right passed out vehicle, was pretty cool, he only had one horn so im assuming he has been fighting quite a bit!