It Won't Fit!!!


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
So, I bought a poor condition blaster, and am keeping it as a project for myself to learn more about mechanics and such. I have a basic knowledge of internal combustion engines, and a TINY bit about brakes. In this case, the brake pads are gripping too tight onto the rotor for it to spin with minimal force. I removed the caliper and the rotor spins easily. I am wondering, what could be causing this, and how would I go along fixing it. Thanks for the help in advance! :)
Are you talking about front or rear brakes? If rear. Has it still got the park brake on the bike? Maybe that is adjusted to tight and making the pads rub on disc.
mmm You tried bleeding them to make sure no air in lines. Is the disc straight and not warped.
sounds like the piston is shot on the caliper
when you do pads on a car or anything with a caliper you push the piston into the bore
so you can install new pads.
you can do it with a clamp or pliers whatever you have or can fit
but i use c-clamp...
or the brake lever does not have enough slack

you should also remove the cap on master cylinder for the brake fluid to has someplace to go.
=on the blaster it is on the handlbars with brake lever.

a sign the caliper is shot is either you cannot push it back in to install new pads.
or the piston stays applied locking or dragging the brakes......
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