Interesting article in NAH

Mar 29, 2007
The February/March 2009 North American Hunter magazine has an interesting article on page 14 in their news update section. the article starts as such:

"On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was elected as the next President of the United States. On November 5th, gun sales skyrocketed across the country."

The article goes on to say that the approximate national sales were up more than 40% compared to November 2007, normal annual sales growth is 10%. Dewayne Irwin, owner of Texas based gun shop Cheaper Than Dirt, said his sales were up 400% for the month of November. He also stated that he has had several shopping carts in his store that have broken because they were overloaded with ammo.

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), ammunition taxes could rise greatly. "Under an Obama/Biden Administration, we could see an enormous increase on the amount of federal excise tax that gun and ammunition companies are paying. It's difficult to predict how much higher taxes on these items will be, but based on what we know and what Obama has called for, it could be as high as 500%." Ted Novin went on to say, "Many people don't understand that a black AR-15 isn't an assault rifle; it's a legal semiautomatic rifle that many law-abiding citizens use to hunt and shoot targets with. The sad thing is, depending on how restrictive the new gun bans might be, wide variety of guns all of us use to hunt waterfowl and big game might be banned or restricted in some fashion."
Yep but now gun sales are going to be down cause no one is going to pay out the arse for a gun. you will see the sky rocket of semi-auto guns go up...... AR-15's are going to go up...... this kinda stuff sucks.
interesting, also my dad and i tried ordering ammo and a few other things from and never recieved anything, so after 3 wks went by we called them, and they said they sent an email (never got one) saying it was on back order, but never returned payment to our account! so after about 2 more weeks of messing with them we got our money back and went eles where! i dont know if anyone eles has had issues with them, but its somthing to watch for, they sounded a lil shakey on the phone also! And i found a good site for optics if anyone is looking for anything!
By Gerald Celente, Director The Trends Research Institute

CODE RED: ECONOMY IN COLLAPSE - Drastic actions will be taken

KINGSTON, NY, 22 January 2009 President Barack Obama will use his poll shattering popularity to swiftly enact policies that will prove to be among the most costly and potentially destructive in America's history, predicts Trends Research Institute Director Gerald Celente.

"We are forecasting dramatic measures will soon be taken by the Obama Administration that will worsen the credit crisis and severely damage the nation's economic system," says Celente.

According to The Trends Research Institute Director, the new President who swept into the White House on a tidal wave of unprecedented enthusiasm and the blessings of a strong majority, will have free reign to take whatever actions he deems necessary.

"Whatever Obama wants, Obama gets. Desperate, scared and not knowing what to do to survive the economic storm, people are seeking a messiah to save them, and Obama is their man," said Celente. "When fear rules, reason and logic are ruled out." (According to an AP poll, 71 percent of Americans believe the economy will improve during the first year of the Obama presidency.)

The 332-point stock market decline that greeted Mr. Obama into office (a record breaker for Inauguration Day) and today's 105-point market decline will be followed by a steady stream of worsening economic news and major financial calamities, Gerald Celente forecasts. Just as President Bush exploited 9/11 as a pretext to wage the War on Terror, invade Iraq, abrogate the Constitution and exert broad Executive powers (with bipartisan and majority public support), President Obama will be given even greater latitude to fight a war on economic terror, predicts Celente.

For example, Timothy Geithner, President Obama's nominee for Treasury Secretary, has pledged to expand and prolong government intervention in the financial markets. He said his economic team would take "forceful" and "substantial action" on a "very dramatic scale" to "forge an integrated strategy on how best to achieve currency realignment."

Celente advises to closely read the signals that have been clearly telegraphed by Mr. Geithner. "From proclaiming a bank holiday, confiscating gold to backstop devaluing currencies, mega-bailouts for the too-big-to-fails ... to nationalizing public firms and dollar devaluation ... whichever of these or other actions are taken, the financial burden will fall on the American people," Celente forecasts.

Blame the Little People
In his inauguration speech President Obama warned Americans of tougher times ahead and for the need to make greater sacrifices. In doing so, the President placed equal blame for the global financial crisis on the public's "collective failure to make hard choices," along with the "consequences of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some."

"The President is correct. Many have spent beyond their means, borrowed themselves into debt, took risks playing the markets, and speculated on real estate," said Celente. "But comparing Main Street's financial missteps to the large scale corruption and criminality of the banks, brokers, insurance companies, hedge fund operators, mortgage companies, rating agencies and buyout firms that cooked the books, enriched executives, ripped off clients and rigged the numbers, is further evidence that Obama is a Wall Street man.

Trendpost: Do you know where your money is? Is it safe? Will you be able to get it when you need it? What will you do if trading is temporarily suspended on Wall Street? Will you be able redeem your CD's?

The new Treasury Secretary promises "a very dramatic scale" of action that may in turn require you to take very dramatic counter measures to protect your assets. We forecast with great confidence that whatever actions Washington takes to save the "too big to fails," they will prove very costly for the "too small to saves" who will be forced to foot the bills and eat the losses.

© MMIX The Trends Research Institute ®
^ lol, i voted for Obama, but that doesnt mean i support all of his decisions, i have also purchased guns and ammo lately, but i have to admit if automatic weapons are banned, i wouldnt care much as long as i could discard mine for book value, cause i only hunt with my bolt action guns anyways, so anything eles i have i shoot is for fun and wasting money! i dont plan on robbing banks or anything to need any of my automatic weapons, their just for fun and show! im sure other see it diffrently but thats just my view of it all! and no, i am not arguing with anyone about politics any more!!
I dont know if its true or not, but I've heard that one plan even calls for the banning of pump action shotguns. Personally I think background checks are a good idea, but all together banning a gun is, well theres no other way to put it RETARDED. Contrary to what television would have you believe, mafia hitmen and gangsters with uzis and big bore sniper rifles are not a big threat here in the U.S.. Ask yourself this: How often have you heard of someone using an assualt rifle to commit a crime? Granted you get the loonies every once in a while that go on a killing spree, but I dont think that they would have stopped if they hadn't had an "assualt rifle"(and I use that term VERY loosly). While I dont really use my SKS very often, I still dont think theres any reason that I should have to give it up. I dont see any reason why an assualt rifle is any more dangerous than any other gun. Dead is dead no matter weather its a .22 single shot or a .50 chain gun. But all that aside if a person has resolved to kill another person they will use whatever means nessicairy. So I have decided to compile a list of things that will also need to be banned to make the U.S. safe and the reason they should be banned.

Softball bats-beating
Rope,Chain,Cable,Twine and Strong String-hanging dragging and nasty rope burns
Various Poisons-self explanitory (did you know apple seeds contain a small amount of cyanide ;) )
Pointy Sticks-stabbing
Water-drowning (and water boardingI:I)
Cliffs and Tall Buildings-pushing people off of
Vehicles-Running people over and dragging people
Rocks-bashing peoples heads
big sticks-same as above
camshafts-yup head bashing again(plus it would make 2-strokes more popular again)
Any type of metalic cylinder-pipe bombs
peanuts-some people are really allergic to them,no seriously its really bad they swell up and stuff and some even die
household cleaners-mixing bleach and ammonia makes a toxic gas
Fire-burning people
acids-melting people
air compressor- you could make a high preassure air rifle
volcanoes-same as cliffs but with a touch of fire:-D
Bees- same as peanuts
Electricity-you could throw a hair dryer into the bath tub which brings up a good point
Bath Tubs- see above
anything sharp, pointy, heavy, hot, electrical, long, blunt, liquid, solid or gas

only then will we be safe j/k
I could still kill you with my bare hands
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