How to free clutch boss nut


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Hi, I just need to replace my blaster crankshaft seals an bearings and to do so I have to take out all the clutch components and so on, I don't have the special tool to make the clutch boss still while loosing the nut, how can I do it without that tool? (I already FU#$% up the clutch boss trying to holding it still). :">
the problem is that I need the clutch boss to stay still and theres no way to pry it so I can't turn the nut without the the clutch boss keeping turning; and thanks for your reply
i used a big vice grips plyers(im sure you have a pair) and locked it on the shaft where the sproket goes. it worked for me. you dont need to hold it, you just put it on and if your taking it off, let it turn all the way up and just let it sit against the spot on the case.
i know but the impact spins faster then the boss spins and it comes off here watch this video it will help u just fast foward to were hes in stalling the clutch and just do the oppesite to remove it
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i learned the hard way, i broke the clutch basket, and the clutch boss, and then i had to pay $250 to get a new one, so im in same situation as you
you can put a nickel in between the main crank gear and the balancer gear.

Or just get the right tool, for the job I always recommend this.