How do i know if the tranny is lined up right


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
toledo ohio
I am pretty sure the trany is lined up right but how do i know. I have the shift fork on the right in the middle track on the shift drum. It spins all the way around and seems right but i have never put one back in before and cant remember what to line up or look at. Any tips would help me im afraid to put the cases back together without knowing if i did this part right thanks dave.
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just went thru this, had the cases back apart a 6 times, but if the forks are in the grooves, 2 right ones in the outer grooves, and the left one in the middle groove, thats all good, now to the other side, be sure the nuetral notch on the shift star is on the tension wheel and you're good to go,
then when i checked to see if i had all the gears.....nope, only had 3, so back apart again, all looked good, so i put it all together, into the bike, 6 kicks and fired, left it warm up, still not knowing if i had gears, but after it warmed and some gear oil flowed, wallaaaa, all 6 gears????
so, forks where i said, and nuetral notch on the tension wheel, it should be good