High idle.


New Member
May 1, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Ok guys need some help. So I leak tested, found the leak by the intake boot. Fixed it and checked to see if it would hold psi and it stayed steady at 7psi. Put the darn thing back together and fired it up and it idled super high. Pulled it apart and checked my float height and it's at 21mm. Tors screw adjuster all the way left, thus having the slide open like a 1/4 inch. Air screw out 1.5 turns. Slide is opening and closing. I'm stumped and feel a little defeated. I don't know what else it could be.
sometimes they will be leak free when shut off but, when idleing they vibrate and stuff so i would try the starting fluid method first. also what happens if you have choke on? what happens if you turn the idle screw all the way out?
Did you brake the tors screw/cable? This happened a while ago on one of our bikes and it would be wide open all the time. Also is your tors unplugged.
throw them rebuild kit jets out and put your stock jets back in....cleaned with carb cleaner and a small wire run through them, and blown out with compressed air, to insure they are free of particles.
remove the choke knob to clean those passages too.
double clean the airscrew passage to the back throat of the carb.
is the spring and o-ring on the airscrew ?
is your oil injection blocked off ? properly ?
if so, be sure the unused oil injection inlet on the carb is blocked off ?
Ok guys need some help. So I leak tested, found the leak by the intake boot. Fixed it and checked to see if it would hold psi and it stayed steady at 7psi. Put the darn thing back together and fired it up and it idled super high. Pulled it apart and checked my float height and it's at 21mm. Tors screw adjuster all the way left, thus having the slide open like a 1/4 inch. Air screw out 1.5 turns. Slide is opening and closing. I'm stumped and feel a little defeated. I don't know what else it could be.

No wonder the idle is racing, 1/4" is a large throttle opening to expect an idle.
'Turn the TORS idle screw clockwise to allow a marginal opening of the slide.
Ok, let me say the 1/4 inch was a guestimate. I do know that when I turn my tors screw clockwise the slide opens. So I turned it counter clockwise and that seemed to close it as much as it could. It's still open but not a lot. I will measure it later to give exact measurement. The tors is plugged in. Now what I did notice was that when the fuel petcock was on the on position fuel slowly came out about the same when it was in the off position. When I put it on the reserve position it seemed to be flowing steady? Would this maybe cause the high idle? Sorry guys I'm stupped and I'm trying to give as much info as I can. Also to awk I will do exactly what you said and we shall see what happens. Let the 2 stroke gods smile upon me. I am being patient and trying to do things right so I can just go ride. Haha
No wonder the idle is racing, 1/4" is a large throttle opening to expect an idle.
'Turn the TORS idle screw clockwise to allow a marginal opening of the slide.

I explained that badly, what I should have said was to fully close the slide then turn the screw clockwise to open the slide.

The slide should fully bottom out when the screw is anti clockwise.

Is there a little slack in the throttle cable?

The TORS units have been known to stick open at times, it may be time for a delete procedure.

There must a full flow of fuel in both the main and reserve settings of the petcock.

A restriction in fuel flow can cause a high idle if the fuel bowl is not filling to capacity.
There must a full flow of fuel in both the main and reserve settings of the petcock.

A restriction in fuel flow can cause a high idle if the fuel bowl is not filling to capacity.

x2 on that /\
i'd pull the petcock and attached screens, and clean them good, the petcock does come apart for cleaning/rebuilding (new o-ring)