Help ! 04 blaster plenty of spark but won't run


Apr 18, 2017
I gave my little brother one y'all helped me fix and am so thankful for the help. So I bought another one cheap not running. Automatically took off the jug before compression test . Thinking it's not running probably blew a piston. Well all that was in order and just fine . So put back together and compression tested at 119.. so we have compression. I deleted the tors. Started up first kick. Then died. So I thought .. carb needs cleaned . So I cleaned it the best of my knowledge and nothing.. plenty of spark coming from the coil like set you on your ass spark. But notta.. and I just ordered a rebuild kit for my carb cause gas is now leaking out the bottom of the float bowl and right above the fuel inlet hole . I'm so lost and the only mechanic around won't work on junk he says.. he works on Harley's only.. please help
If fuel is leaking out of the float bowl your float may be stuck or out of adjustment. If it is getting too much fuel the bottom end may be full of fuel.

Have you pulled the plug to see if it is all wet from fuel after trying to start it?

If it is flooded pull the plug out make sure your fuel is shut off and kick it till your leg is sore. Once all the fuel is out of the bottom end and your float is working properly you should be good.
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well you got the other 1 fired up good job:)
you will figure it out.
if you want to get all ghetto on flooding itself.
turn the gas on to fill the float bowl if not already full
then shut off the gas on tank
It will still start and run for a minute or two with the gas off.

I have started and driven a blaster with the gas accidentally turned off:eek: oops

could be the tors delete you did as well wires vibrated loose/although a blaster should start regardless of a throttle over ride system malfunction,but when you add in whacked out carb/CARB settings then NO.;)
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I am curious if I somehow messed up on the tors but I did it with my other and it wasn't fine.. I'm gonna chase down wires when I get home.. also will try taking out the plug and trying that. Thank you for the suggestions
Not related to the to your problem,but also disconnect the emergency brake wires if it is an 04. Follow them from the clutch perch down to the harness and unplug it. It will give you trouble one day!
Check some other things. Reeds intact? No missing petals or chipped or cracked?

Air filter clean? No mouse nest inside it?

Exhaust obstruction? ( I know a guy that left a plug in a banshee exhaust and could not get a cylinder to fire.)