Got pulled over on the side of the street


New Member
Dec 29, 2007
Just wondering what the law is for riding on the side of the street way in the dirt about 4 feet off the road to get to the little track we ride at.Just curious cause now we got a court date :eek:
I would have assumed it to be legal... Thats dumb. Well good luck at court.
laws are different by state, county and sometimes by principality.. in rural indidna if your registered you can ride with whats called the "2 on 2 off law" 2 tires on teh roadway to tires on the shoulder but only on country roads outside of town limits and no on any highway..
Well, first off, lets not turn this into another fight about cops. That being said, it all depends on the cop. But if you werent even on the road then he had no right to cite you. If i was you id go and find out if you were on city/state (road) property or private property. If it was private, then the cop was wrong IMO. But dont go into court and say, THE COPS A DOUCHE, 07EIGERRIDER TOLD ME SO! That wont win you the case
Well, first off, lets not turn this into another fight about cops. That being said, it all depends on the cop. But if you werent even on the road then he had no right to cite you. If i was you id go and find out if you were on city/state (road) property or private property. If it was private, then the cop was wrong IMO. But dont go into court and say, THE COPS A DOUCHE, 07EIGERRIDER TOLD ME SO! That wont win you the case

Very good point.

And, 07EigerRider, I laughed when I read the name of your blaster.
Around here even if your in the ditch, its illegal and if the cop wants they can site you for it. Most of the long time deputy's and state troopers are cool about it and won't bother you unless your doing something stupid.
Cops around here generally stop you and just tell you to get off the roads.
yeah, around here the cops are cool...
if you are going slow on the side of the road all they will do is wave at you and say hi as you drive by...
Here it all depends on the cop. The one I had just kinda blew it off. I was in my buddys yard and hes like, 'you ridin on the street?' and im like 'no' and hes like 'alright, have a nice day' and he just drove away
Well he did say it was a state road but i dont know we were way off the main roads.He was a dick about it too.he had another cop with him maybe he was trying to show off in front of him.I will give an update when i go to court nov.4 .All he got him for was driving a motorcycle without a license .15 year old son.
The only way you are off a state road is to be ridding on a private drive or road. Even if you are 4' off the road but still on the out side of some ones fence, you are on state property. If you are on private property you could get tresspassing. I not saying the cop wasn't a jerk but he was well within his right to issue a citation for an unregistered vehicle and an unlicensed driver.
Everytime a cop stops me on the road i always tell them i lost my dog and it comes to the sound of the engine and thats happened twice and both times he said ok its cool and drove in front of me and like escoreted me all around town as we looked for my imaginary dog and then after like 20 minute s fake a phone call from ur mom and say they found the dog n then he let me go back to my house both times but it was a diff. cop both times
Like everyone has said, it is different from state to state, I know here in KY you can drive up to 2 1/10ths of a mile on a 2 lane road to cross the road if needed. You can also drive on any 2 lane road for farm or construction use as long as you want. Do a little research and you might find a loop hold somewere. I did. The cops around here just thought driving ATV's on the road was illegle no matter what but when we got called on for riding ours down the road to check our horses they got proved wrong really quick, also it isn't even requried to ware a helmet here if it is for farm use. The cop here tried to use that one also.