Good powerful dirtbike?


New Member
Jul 20, 2010
I'm considering selling/trading my blaster for a dirt bike. I've never ridden a dirt bike before, but I want a 2-stroke bike with a decent amount of power that I wont get bored of for awhile, but still hillclimbs good. Whats a good engine size for me? I'm 5'6'' and 190lb's.
you will want a 250. a 125 doesn't have a good powerband. the 250 will make you happy for a long time.
there is no such thing as a yz450, only a 426, anyways, with his size and experience a yz 125 would be about perfect, but a 250 would own youm i have never been on a 2 stroke 250, but i know that 4poke 250's arn't very "pokey" and i have heard they are pretty close powerwise, the powerband is just different. anyways, go for a 125 race bike. That will be plenty, and they are easily found. just look for rebuilt engines. and make sure they have broke in the engine, oor you will break it hehe.
i think he meant yz450f, just like the old yz426f and the yz400f.
but get a 250. i rode a 80 back in the day, but i started to ride again on a rm250. alsy rode my friends yz250f that was built. just respect the bike and you will be happy you got the 250 or bigger bike. 125s suck.
crap your right, the 426 was there first big 4 stroke, didnt yamaha have a bigger 2 stroke though, maybe a wr or something

first was the 400 then 426 then 450.
and i think you are thinking of the yz490. the old school air cooled one.
if uve never ridden a dirtbike i would almost always say go with a 125 first.... but some1 ur size can handle a 250 2 stroke... just respect it bec if u dont it will hurt u... the powerbands on any 2 stroke race bike is gonna be 1 wild ride... so be ready.... also if u want look into a 125 then get a 144 big bore kit and do mods to it to make it scream, good luck =)
To be honest, find the cheapest 250 you can find. Wont matter if its a CR250, KX250, RM250, or YZ250 (Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Yamaha respectively)

Price should determine this purchase. And dont get the prettiest one you can get, cause chances are you WILL be laying it down.

And factor into other gear. You DONT want to ride a dirtbike without riding pants and boots at least.

Make your first dirtbike a cheap crappy one that you arent afraid to lay down. Learn it, and sell it and upgrade.

Buddy of mine just scored a 99 RM250 for 750 bucks. Its pretty beat up, it runs really good, its perfect to get used to it on, and hes not afraid to rag on it, beat it up, etc.

This is my advice at least. This is what advice was given to my buddy from my girlfriends uncle who motorcrosses and has been riding for a LONG time.
KTM 250sx....lots of fun

I was planning on a 250. Well the land around me is very..diverse. theres coal hills with hillclimbs, rocky trails, and the land around my house is flat, bumpy etc etc. wheres a good place to start learning how to ride? should I head straight for the hill climbs or pace myself?