Good Day


New Member
Apr 28, 2008
Ok so this weekend was marine weekend at Navy Peir so me and my buddies decided to go down and check it out, we hopped on the train and it was PACKED so we walked like 5 cars down and walked past 3 of the ticket people, then we found a seat and the guy walked past us 6 tomes and didnt ask for ticktes once. then when we got to union station we asked some one what bus we should take and he told us the number, so we found the bus no problems and got on, well them fair box was broken so we got a free ride, got some food and checked out the humvees and what not, on the way back to the station we didnt have exact change so he let us on for free, we had to pay for the train ride home though, but i got a picture on a 50 Cal. on a Humvee I:II:I so it was a good day for me


My Buddy

haha thats a real sign at nevy peor like a real speed limit sign by the bus stop, i thoguht it was funny as hell. i look dumb because some rndom little kid popped up when i was gonna weiner it and almost bowed hime in the head