For those who change jets often!

I still have a sled with DAJ on it after 10yrs and never had any issues! It just plain works.
And I don't work there or sell them.
If you want and are somewhat of a diy guy. You can make your own as I have plenty of times. I run a Lectron on one of the bikes and I added a power jet. There are a couple of ways to do it. Use a Clippard flow control unit (I cant remember the part # off the top of my head but will post it shortly) . It basically does the same as any other power jet but is adjustable. You can pretty much add a power jet to any carb. Dependent on where the end of the tube is , is where the power jet will kick in.

The purpose of the power jet is to add additional fuel to the 3/4 to wot throttle (sometimes 1/2+). Great for 2 stroke bikes/quads that are up and down different elevations so they can adjust on the fly and be safe.

I particularly like them since I can really fine tune things. Others may not since it is just another circuit on top of the existing ones. Running a Lectron on a 2 stroke it is pretty much a must have. I see no reason for one on a stock blaster carb though. Unless your up and down elevations that require re jetting.
The only difference I can see with this and the powerjet is you drop like 5 main jet sizes, I don't have my instructions any more but that is the reason the dial a jet makes the engine more snappy.
Also the dial a jet only uses the fuel the engine demands.