For the admin. Easy way to help get rid of spam


Sep 9, 2009
Layton, UT
This place has a fair amount of spam in it. I own 2 forums running on the same software as this place (vBulletin). I had the same problem until I implemented a special question during registration. Not a captcha. Bots have figured out how to bypass captcha in many cases. However, bots dont necessarily know logic so most of the time these simple phrases win against spam.

What you do is set a question/answer to be done during registration. On my Celica forum the quesiton is stupid easy "who makes the celica?" and the answer is "toyota, or Toyota" (you have to provide an answer for each way o typing it, caps, or not).

Anyway, I havent had a spam thread show up since I did this about 6 months ago.
My way gets rid of legitimate spammers before they even get a chance to post on the forum. In fact, they cant even register. Not if theyre bots, which most of them are.

Like I said. my one website U-Moc Forums used to get 20 threads a day of spam. It was BAD. After I did what I said to do, I get NONE. I dont have to clean spam threads up at all. It was like magic :)
My way gets rid of legitimate spammers before they even get a chance to post on the forum. In fact, they cant even register. Not if theyre bots, which most of them are.

Like I said. my one website U-Moc Forums used to get 20 threads a day of spam. It was BAD. After I did what I said to do, I get NONE. I dont have to clean spam threads up at all. It was like magic :)

I'll have to keep this in mind if my site has spammers get through.

Bad Behavior does great as well. In the first week of installing, it blocked over 1000 spammers. And once they get the pictures they can't come in, they do give up. Currently, Bad Behavior says "Bad Behavior has blocked 32 access attempts in the last 7 days." So it went from thousands... to 32.
We already had a question in addition to captcha for about a year. And yes, it does help.
