For sale

WTF that is stupid

well i have some works shocks and i cant post them for sale i guess i will just go over to and have to list them there because they don't have a problem with me having one post and putting stuff in the for sale section. and i hate that place compared to here but oh well
im not mad or trying to make a seen i just don't understand y you restrict your members it is like they are not privlaged enough to use what this forum has to offer. i just think that you should go about this another way. sorry for me rambling and wasting every ones time. i have just sold stuff here before and now i can't
yeah because some people got ripped off and people who come on here need to be on the forum long enough that we know they are not going to sh*t on a deal and just take our money and run. which they can but it is less likely this way, people got stupid and greedy so we had to do something about it, no doubt you are honest and a will not scam someone, but money is tight these days for people and someone who needs something and has sold a bunch of stuff or worked their ass of to get the money to buy something from someone on here, then gets scammed its not fair, so we made it harder for that to happen, and everyone else here is in favor of it, i guess you need to get scammed before you understand rules of this capacity.
Unfortunately you are one of the good people who are being affected by the actions of the scammers... This new rule was put into place to protect its members, and to help reduce the problem of people coming on here to screw people over and the move on....

That $10 helps support the forum, and greatly reduces the restriction placed on you...

Sorry to see you are being affected like this, but this is necessary to protect us all.