Facebook Personalities


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
I ran across this and found it quite interesting and funny :D
(feel free to insert "blaster forum" where it says "facebook")
how many of these do you know ?


Hello Facebook (Blaster Forum) users of the world. I’d like to welcome you to my hub today where I’m going to speak my mind about everyone’s favorite little social networking site. First off, I am not a member of the Facebook community. I just don’t see the need for it, personally. This hub is not going to be an indictment on all Facebook users as I can see value in the site. My wife loves it and checks it everyday, so if I generalize everybody on there she’ll most likely make me sleep on the couch for a few days. It is because of her that I have read plenty of status updates and she’s always willing to notify me of the most ridiculous of all status’. Because of that experience, I am using this space to hopefully make the type of users I’m describing do a much needed self assessment. You’ll thank me afterwards.

Let’s begin with the most annoying Facebook personality, the Attention Seeker.
You have a ton of these friends and you know exactly who they (you) are. These are the types who always leave status’ that are just begging for a reaction whether its praise, agreement, disagreement, well wishes, concern or any other type of communication.
Basically, they have a need to be loved and they’ll stop at nothing to get it.
These are the types who go on vacation and brag about how great everything they are doing is, ex...
“Sitting by the pool in Las Vegas drinking a margarita. My life is so good.”
Or the people who get injured and feel the need to weave it into every status update.
“I’m going to the grocery store today. Not gonna be easy with my sore ribs.”
And the worst of all are the people who will ask for a response without even attempting to dance around it. “Going through a rough patch at home lately. Sure could use some good friends right now.”
Frankly, if you had good friends you’d be talking to them right now and not pleading for attention from a mixture of online friends, acquaintances and co-workers .

The Attention Seekers are a group of users that run rampant on Facebook and they are one of the main reasons that social networking has become so popular. They are also one of the reasons why I am not a part of this social network. I know plenty of people who would fall into the Attention Seeker category and being able to avoid their mindless endeavors to attract attention is a motivating factor in my refusal to join. So for those of you who fall into this category please, please, try to take it down a notch. Most of your “friends” don’t care and are probably laughing at you right now.

Another group who I have come to despise is the
Facebook Philosophers.
Once again, everybody has plenty of these friends and you probably ignore most of what they say. If you don’t ignore them then you need to start immediately, or risk potential damage to your medulla oblongata.
What drives a person to concoct one of these hair-brained, nonsensical pseudo-philosophical rants?
Most of the time these are childish over-reactions to an issue between a person and their significant other, and despite the attempted generalization of the subject matter it is still obvious. Just because you use the term “people” does not do anything to hide the fact that you’re referring to your wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/facebook freind.

What’s even better is when our Facebook Philosopher decides to delve into something that is completely out of their league. Life advice is abundant on Facebook so use caution when reading, because some of the ridiculousness may actually seep into your subconscious.
Plato and Socrates and the other great philosophers in the world’s history are currently being spit on by these people. Next time you sit down at your computer and plan to write a philosophical statement for your friends on Facebook ask yourself this question, “will they really, deeply care about what I’m thinking?” Since the answer will always be NO !, simply type “sitting at home on Facebook” as your status and move forward.

The last type of user that we’re going to look at it is the Serial Poster.
These are the people who are not just on Facebook all the time but they are the users that feel compelled to update their status constantly. These people also tend to refer to their friends collectively as “Facebook” or “FB.”
In severe cases these people will actually say good morning and good night to “Facebook.”
If you ever come to a point where you start saying good morning and good night to a website then you should drive to the nearest Psych ward and check yourself in for a weekend.

Serial Posters are also responsible for flooding your updates page with useless comments and mindless observations. “Just got back from walking the dog.”
Oh really? Wow, that must have been great.
It’s very interesting to know what a person that I haven’t seen in over 12 years and barely had any sort of relationship with in the first place is doing on an hourly basis. It’s this type of Facebook member that may be the biggest contributing factor for me not wanting to sign up.
I don’t even really care what my closest friends are doing every day let alone a random online acquaintance.

So if you fall into any of the categories listed above then you might need to take a few minutes and reflect on what you’ve become. Maybe you’ll need to seek help from a professional or maybe you should just take a week and stay away from the site and use that time to take a walk or watch a movie. Facebook can be a drug for some members and for others it can feel like a bad trip. Use with caution and try to help your friends who have become unbearable. Good luck.


Facebook brings out the worst in people
So if you fall into any of the categories listed above then you might need to take a few minutes and reflect on what you’ve become. Maybe you’ll need to seek help from a professional or maybe you should just take a week and stay away from the site and use that time to take a walk or watch a movie. Facebook can be a drug for some members and for others it can feel like a bad trip. Use with caution and try to help your friends who have become unbearable. Good luck.

im pretty sure this applies to more sites than just facebook...kinda works good here too
i am on facebook as i have friends on there who i like to stay in contact with as they dont live local to me all so i have friends on there were we have started a group club about tracks/trails tools bikes/quads all so we use it to meet up at places to ride and so on. To me i cant say its a drug for me were i cant leave it alone as am not on it 24/7 and i dont express my personal life over a internationale social network its just so wrong people who do involve there personal life on there really need to get a grip and get a life if i could not talk to my wife if there was a problem with our relationship/marriage and i started to post up our life over a network i would book my self in to see a shrink right away.
Face book is an evil thing, I know of atleast 5 marriges that have been split because of it. All most got mine, not to mention some of the pointless games on there that people get addicted to ofcourse this is all my opinion
Face book is an evil thing, I know of atleast 5 marriges that have been split because of it. All most got mine, not to mention some of the pointless games on there that people get addicted to ofcourse this is all my opinion

over here in the uk people call it the marriage wrecker/relationship and i agree people spend far to much time on facebook its like locking your self out of reality the real world same goes for that twitter.
Worse than those mentioned in the article are those girls Id refer to as the "Facebook Slut". I think we all know at least one person who poses provocatively (often in the mirror) and takes self-shot after self-shot. Girls, it gets old real quick. You just make yourself look easy. Nobody wants to keep a girl of this type (im trying to choose appropriate words here. Lol) in their life. If people such as this...and Ive seen guys do it too with their shirtless profile pics and abs out proud...grew up and showed a little more class, we'd probably be reading far fewer attention-seeking and 'brokenhearted' posts from them.

-End rant- :D