Clutch problem


New Member
Dec 20, 2010
29 palms ca
I'm having a problem with the clutch on my wife's blaster not sure what she did but it will not got above third gear and it is hard to get back into 1st gear I'm not to familiar with the blaster transmission but sounds to me like she burnt up the clutch i drained the old cluth oil and replaced it with new oil and it still does the same thing I searched other clutch related threads on here but didn't see any that sounded similar to my problem any suggestions
more than likely a shift star/detent arm problem inside the clutch case, these tranny's have proven to me to be one lil tough somna-B.

will it free wheel when the clutch is pulled ?
the easiest thing to look at first is the shift shaft, shift star and detent arm/wheel, you'll need to pull the peg, kicker and clutch cover to access it. it's all located at the back/left bottom, below the clutch pack.

i just had one doing this same thing, my buddy drove me nuts for weeks, i finally switched out everything listed above, even though i couldnt see anything wrong, it works like a champ now.

i'm thinking it was the little shift shaft return springs got weak ?,
if it doesn't return completely to it's nuetral position, it will not shift up or down to the next gear, try returning the shifter to a downward position by hand or foot, then switching to the next gear
Ok I appreciate the information I will check it out tomorrow, I have to work today and don't get off until 12 tomorrow so ill take it apart as soon as I get home and let you all know what I find
let us know what ya find and we'll go from there

Just now got the clutch apart not to sure what I'm looking at so hopefully this helps the diagnosis and sorry for the giant pictures forgot to resize
Check to make sure the screw for shift star is tight. Then you might want to pull shifter shaft out, after thuroughly cleaning shifter end of it, and try bench shifting it just with end of drum/star. shift shaft might be bent.
Unless you have an eagle eye, use a straight edge, checking about 4 places around it. Bench testing is what I call shifting it thru gears when motor is on "the bench" you have to spin the clutch (main) shaft with your hand while moveing the shifter, but in this case you will have to use a TORX bit on the shift drum/star. If it wouldn't bench test using shifter but does with star/drum, you have a bad shift shaft. We want to eliminate all possibilities before you split the cases .
Ok so it shifted through all gears with no problem with a torx bit I put the shift shaft up against my carpenter square and went around it and I think it is bent its very very slight though