check out this header


New Member
May 17, 2008
i just made this up quick and was wondering what you guys thought of it??


it would look pretty sweet as the header.. give me suggestions
better than the one we have now, see this is something your good at. i would definitely vote for this to be our header
i just have to touch it up a little bit.. any suggestions..with like photos and stuff??
Hey guys,

At the moment, there are no plans of changing the header. The only changes that can be made, is have you blaster replace the current raptor picture and this is done in the contest area which I will reopen for this month.
i just did it cause i was bored.. it didnt take me more than 5 minutes

Lol, thats cool. I did like the pic you used to replace the raptor. Is it yours? If so, submit it to the ETH contest.