Best shock???

ok little vague lol. front shocks? rear shock? aftermarket? stock replacement?

anyways for the fronts if you got a few hunderd bucks laying around works shocks work great. if you have alot of money to spend go elkas

rear shock same types

if you are looking to get a used one to replace them.. for the fronts used banshee shocks fit. and are a little better than stock.

for the rear a old 250r shock or a 400ex shock are insane improvements
Fox floats for the front, Elka for the rear! Although I have definitely come to respect the Elka fronts. They are expensive, but they perform very well. If you are track riding and jumping big, I would go with elka's all the way around.
They are very expensive, but if you keep an eye on ebay you should be able to find a used set for much less than what a new set costs. Then you only need to pay to have them set up for your weight and riding style.