Anyone ever watch this guy ride? He is amazing.


New Member
Feb 4, 2009
Dallas Pa
I don't know if this has been posted before but this is one of my favorite quad stunt riding videos. The guy has such much control when he rides.

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my fathers friend is in the one 2fast 2real video. and my friends race shop is on the main road that they all race around on...Edison Avn
yea i seen this guy befor hes mad good at wheelies but that dosnt necisarily mean hes a good rider, what would he do if you put him out on an mx track?
^^ I agree with what your saying but what if it was the other way around. What if you took an mx racer and told him to do this? He is a damn good stunt rider. You gotta give him that at least.
yeah, very good if you notice though, the tires have really low pressure.. it helps balance on wheelies, ive done it before but i could never wheelie like that
^^ I agree with what your saying but what if it was the other way around. What if you took an mx racer and told him to do this? He is a damn good stunt rider. You gotta give him that at least.
true true it does take alot of skill and amazing ballance to do that haha
How is this an acceptable representation of our sport? He's riding illegally in the middle of a city, with no helmet, obstructing traffice (along with a couple other vehicles) and he even hits another vehicle and you're applauding him for it?

i wanna know how he did it going backwards

Video is played backwards.
must have takin alot of practice to get that much controll, especially sitting on front and wheelieing
How is this an acceptable representation of our sport? He's riding illegally in the middle of a city, with no helmet, obstructing traffice (along with a couple other vehicles) and he even hits another vehicle and you're applauding him for it?

Are you totally blind? He is wearing a helmet in all the clips. It is a bright chrome one for that matter. And yea in some clips he is riding through the streets illegally but if you notice in most of them the street is blocked off by the cops. If you don't like the video then don't watch it. It was meant to be for entertainment, not a safety video for you perfect law abiding citizens that never do anything wrong.
the guy is a f*cking dick, he can do wheelies and balance i get that,great,but hes a dick. oh and anybody can spin like that in the rain. but gotta admire his balance.