2002 blaster, spits a little bit under load in higher rpm...


Nov 21, 2016
just bought a blaster the other day and i immediately knew that the TORS system was bad... so i removed it. after that, i took for a test drive and found that the quad would bog down really bad under a load... well, as of now, i fiddled with the carb long enough to get it to run a lot better! however, it still seems to bog a bit under a load but will rev in neutral awesome! i did take the carb apart and cleaned it. float seemed like it was where it should be however i did not see if it would float in gas by its self... another odd thing i noticed is that my jets do not have any markings on them but i was told the carb was new.
later today im going to try n fashion a leak down test and see what happens there... but im curious to see if anyone has had a similar experience and what they did to fix it.. the only real modification i did to the carb was play with the air/fuel mix and that seemed to help quite a bit.
any and all input is greatly appreciated!
The air screw is primarily to set the idle speed and transition onto the needle.

Above 1/4 throttle the air screw has little or no affect on the Air fuel ratio.

If the jets are unmarked and in a new carb the possibilities are that they are not the ones to suit your mods.

You should set the float level as per specs and do a plug chop to see just where the jetting is at.
Many of the cheap Chinese carbs do not have values on the jets.
You can compare them to known jets with a needle.
These carbs often bring constant headaches.

Buy a set of jets and follow Blaaster's advice.

so.. i may have found out why it wasnt running very good at first... the guy i bought it from wasnt very thorough in his preliminary inspection.. and i also failed to notice this.. but the oil injection res was blocked off and he said it worked so he just ran regular gas -___- granted, it didnt run for very long at all and he swears that with oil injected engines he always mixed a little bit of oil with his gas just for redundancy but i mixed fresh gas and shortly after starting runnin a lot better..

side note* for the 2nd night in a row i failed with my leak down test.. first time i didnt get the right pump for the fitting i was using and last night the "hose" clamp snapped and i had no way to seal it tight... granted the carbs off, i will verify float level, and see if i can get a buddy of mine to maybe spare me a set of jets for assurance! thanks for the help so far guys.. im sure youl hear from me again! lol
The air screw is primarily to set the idle speed and transition onto the needle.

Above 1/4 throttle the air screw has little or no affect on the Air fuel ratio.

If the jets are unmarked and in a new carb the possibilities are that they are not the ones to suit your mods.

You should set the float level as per specs and do a plug chop to see just where the jetting is at.

totally forgot to mention blaaster is that as far as i can tell there are no mods besides a silencer on the bike! not that i like cheesy parts but if the bikes stock do you still think the jetting could be off? also, il be bringing the socket i need to get the plug out home today. il let you know what it looks like! last thing the guy i bought it from also said that the stock plug requires an R8 is what i believe he said... but he put in an R9? do those numbers make sense to you?!
Good. Got a new plug last night and had the float set by a tech at jmp cycle. im hoping this plug is the problem... he told me he had put an r9 in his bike and it caused it to spit a lot so before i get to carried away on parts im going to give that a whirl. In the process of deleting wires for oil pump and tors and then im going to put her back together and let it rip. I also noticed that the air filter was an absolute mess... caked with mud so im aure that couldnt of helped. For temp purposes i soaked it n gas a couple times and blew it out so im hoping the combo of all the little tweeks will help!