Stator Ground Wire


New Member
Sep 24, 2018
I have a 99' Blaster with an 5 wire stator cover(yellow/red, white/red, black/red, solid black, and green/white). The green/white wire is the only exposed wire, and I'm being told this needs to be grounded to the frame.

This may seem like a silly question, but I ended up zip tying the exposed ground wire against the frame, I'm still not getting any spark. Do I need to have it threaded against a lug or screw to properly function?

I rebuilt the top end and just re-installed the motor, but I'm not getting any spark. I just wanted to make sure grounding wasn't my issue before I dove any further into this problem.
the green/white does need grounded to bare frame when using an 03+ 5 wire stator on a 4 wire 88-02 wire harness.

the correct 03+ harness will have a matching wire to just plug it in.