Paypal Hacked WARNING !


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
my paypal just got hacked last week, the hacker must have cracked my password and sent himself $320, which came out of my girlfreinds bank account.
the recipient was listed as a verified paypal member ....Carla Kent ? and had 2 yahoo emails listed.
I did not recieve an email notfication about this transaction, as they must have turned off the notifications while they did it.

luckily i had more than enuf pocket cash to cover this, and was able to deposit it for her to cover bills that were coming in.

I called paypal and filed an unauthorized transaction claim. I followed her instructions about entering some code she gave me and changed my password.
they said it would be 48-72 hours while they investigated it.

even before the 48 hours was up i again called about them making me change my password everytime i signed in to see if there was any messages concerning the case, and to be sure nothing else was happeneing, even though they had my account on lockdown.
the lady checked on the case status, immedietly refunded my $320 and restored my paypal account back to full usage status.

I asked how they determined it was indeed a fraud, she said they ran the IP address used to sign in during that exact transaction and it came back to Japan, clearly showing my account had been hacked and was definately a fraud.

kudo's to paypal for their quick and decisive actions to get me my $ back !!!!!

I was also informed that the common knowledge about a mixture of capital and lower case letters combined with random numbers was no longer the safest passwords anymore, as the theives have apparently found a hack program that can crack those.
she says paypal has determined that a phrase or sentence is actually the safest password known now, and gave me an exapmle...
"a red fox jumped over a log"
of course make up your own.
she also said it was best to change my password at least monthly if not more frequently, like weekly.

hopefully you all know by now about fake paypal emails that look legit that have been going around for years ?
I delete 3 or 4 weekly from my spam folder, but transaction notifications go into my primary email folder, how Gmail knows the difference ? but it does.

paypal will never notify you by email that your account is locked and to click a link in the email to change your password.
these are frauds, all of them !

never enter, change, add passwords or bank/credit card info thru an email/link, NEVER !
delete any emails that appear to be from paypay, sign into your PP account to check for messages from within, and call them immedietly if you have any problems or questions about your account.......

Paypal: 888-221-1161
also, i believe only trusted (like pp) websites receive this secure symbol
dont enter any info until the secure picture shows up before the link. it probably will before the site loads, but just saying

good additional info herp !

internet explorer has the whole address bar in green

Yea word... Good catch. Paypals cool with that stuff.

I had a customer claim once a month after purchasing a ton of stuff that it was an unauthorized sale. Paypal showed from the same IP address they made the claim on that they bought the stuff and just wanted free merch. So paypal honored me and appologized
many years ago, 2007 i think, I got jacked for the exact same amount on paypal. This was when I was a sophomore in college, so naturally I just so happened to be sleeping on the floor of some apartment I got sh*t hammered drunk at the night before and I get a call from PP asking if I transferred this money. I say no, they make me change my password and refund my the 320 immediately. I check my bank account a little while later and the money never even left my account. So PP had just given me 320. I bought my dad a polaris pool cleaner for his birthday with the free dough.