new riding areas in PA

I been up there like the last three weeks.. it's pretty sweet.. i posted a big thing about it.. it's worth going.. i spent my easter riding there. Going this sunday if anyone would like to meet up.. it's easy to get to.. Email me or something.. or post on here.. but we will be up there.. look for White chevy truck. Red honda trx 250 and a 200r.. till the blaster is fixed..
I'm south of Somerset, PA. Actually about 20 min from Maryland

blackhawk, holler at me in a few weeks, i'm still workin on both blasters, but will be good to go soon, tons of riding here in j-town, if ya wanna make a day trip???
if any of you guys wanna haul your rides to here, i've got more riding here than all those pay places put together
as a matter of fact, the oconnors and slickerthanyou and his son are coming this weekend coming up, july 2nd, and anyone is welcome to join in, my sleeping spots are all taken up, but it could always be a day trip, or camping is an option also
I was on a camping trip this past weekend and we went past mountain ridge. It looked like it would be a good time. Trying to find a time to go. It is about an hour from my house.
pic of my brother in-laws jeep, it has all that articulating suspension stuff, ya pull some pins or sumthin???? full cage, spyder body armor.......
and george watch for it comin thru greensburgh, he's the vice principle at hempfeild

hey awk who is ur bother in law? I'm a freshman at hempfield.