2005 Yamaha Blaster Rebuild Opinions


New Member
Jan 25, 2020
Hello everyone, I have a 2005 Yamaha Blaster that needs work done to it, and I am looking for parts / your guys opinion.

Basically, the top end blew on it, and pieces of the piston got in the crank bearings, and also cracked the engine cases. The cylinder still has a 66mm bore, and was just honed, and looks perfect, as well as the cylinder head.

So essentially, I need a top end kit (Don't need cylinder or cylinder head), as well as a crank, and engine cases. I am debating on what to do, such as buying a used bottom end in great condition, and buying a top end piston kit... or buying all the parts I need and rebuilding my entire engine... etc.

What I have done to the Blaster, is a full FMF Powercore II, VForce 4 Reeds, UNI Filter with lid off, Oil Delete, and rebuilt the carb (Using a 310 jet).

I bought the Blaster used, and I dont think there has ever been a top end rebuild, so I am assuming the piston broke because of wear overtime, resulting in piston slap, shattering the skirt.

I have a 400-500$ budget to get this thing completely done, and I am looking for your guys opinions on what to do. Also, if you guys have any of the parts for sale that I need, let me know! Such as a complete bottom end in great condition (Crank Included), or the left and right engine cases, etc.
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Pistons break from slapping around from excessive clearance.like larry said definitely bore cylinder.no Chinese parts or you might get to do it all again:eek:
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Not to be the elephant in the room, but I've been running my Chinese rebuild for about 40 hours now without issue.

The issue with cheaper rebuilds is the lack of quality control. You MUST measure everything. If you think it's good, measure it again. You also have to ensure that you remove all the slag from the ports, re-tap all the threads, check the cross-hatching, and measure your ring-end clearance.
I spent about 6 hours measuring everything, cleaning everything, and re-tapping all the threads. I even went to the extent of bringing it into work to check for the trueness of the mating surfaces on a surface table.

The main things you CANNOT use in the cheap kits are the wrist pin bearing and gasket kit.

But I'd definitely listen to Sly and Larry. Those guys know their ****.