Hello from Rhode Island

Sean Lyons

Jun 24, 2018
So I just purchased 2-2002 blasters. Sort of an implulse buy. I'm actually overseas, so I had my wife pick them up. Got them off Craigslist. They seem to work well, but one of them came without back brakes at all. Any idea why?
Anyhow, I'm looking forward to getting back to the states in a couple of months and tearing up our property with these ATV's. I got them to ride with my son. I don't think there are a lot of places in RI to ride, but I have 5 acres, so we are going to make the best of it on our property.
I'm looking forward to learning about these machines on this forum.
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Welcome aboard Sean, most everything you could need to know is right here.
and if you're overseas serving (?).... Thank you
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