Blaster Engeine Race Ready

what to replece for finishing

  • crank bearinng ; transmition bearings

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • gasket

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters


Dec 10, 2015
Hello everyone, I have a 02 yamaha Blaster, and I wanted to do a race with her. I do not want to change anything in the engine, only the stock material. My question is what to replace the engine. crankshaft, transmission bearings... the race has 80km on the first day and 200km on the last day are two days of race .
What is your opinion for the bike finish the race, What should I replace?
Sorry for the English'm Portuguese :) Please help-me :)
yes i can see that too, but i have the Blaster since 2014 and i think is fine, but how can i see if my jettings are fine?
yes i can see that too, but i have the Blaster since 2014 and i think is fine, but how can i see if my jettings are fine?
Research "Plug Chop" , will tell you if you are spot on.
How much time do you have before this race ??
The Blaster has successfully competed in the Baha 1000 (miles) several times !!
Unless you have many, many hours/Km on your Blaster you should be fine.
Biggest thing with racing is being organized and prepared !!
There are books written on this subject, so I won't bother. I'll hit the high points (IMO).

Start the race with a new plug installed, carry a spare. Inspect, & lube or replace all cables. If you can't remember when the chain and sprockets were replaced, do that as a set. Remove fuel tank and clean/flush it. Clean carb.

Inspect EVERY nut, bolt, fastener , maybe use loctite on them.

Good Luck !! And have fun !! Let us know how you do !!
well the race is in october 2017 so i have 1year to prepare well:). that seems interesting the "plug chop" i
definitely will see that.

I have some hours in the Blaster but it works fine. it starts fine and i thinks it runs fine too :).
my preocupation is the motor bearins i don´t know if they wiil endure all the race.
So my question is were can i reed those books, and what is (IMO).

I´m go to change the cables the chain and the spokets, the front wheels bearings and brakes and the axel bearings too.
It is what I have thought doing.
what do you think?
thanks for all the help

this is a promo video fo the race:
enjoy :)
Hi so my Blaster engeine is ready, new piston new rings new crank and carnk bearings and seals and head bored etc...
so my question now is about the suspension....
i see here very things about it. i was thinking in banshee front shock and i realy like of the 400ex for the back.
But the problem is here in Portugal i don´t find any bushing kits.
The Warrior or Banshee rear shock work better than the Blaster rear shock stock? Are they a direct swap?
The 400ex rear shock is light years better than the Banshee or Warrior. I geared up some bushing in from stuff I had around the shop, ot you can get a machine shop to make some. Not difficult.
yes i realy prefer the 400es rear shock, there is possible to send me the
measurements of the bushings? so i can see if someone can do it.
I mail Ken and he tod me to order of the web site but it will take some time and i will pay some shipping tax i think.
So i talk with one of my friends about the bushing kit and he said that he can do it in the shcool but he need the measurements. i was shearching and if i order form ebay or KOR it is possible that the pacage stay in the Portugal Customs and they will charge fees.

So there are some one who can tel me the measurements of the buhings pleaseee :)
I feel for you, but think about it, Ken is hard at work everyday to make a living.
He could make good money making bushings for payloaders, but thank goodness for us he chooses to work on Blasters. His prices are fair. Shipping and customs charges are not his fault.

You cannot ask him to take time out of his day to give away the dimensions of a product he worked hard to develop. You either work on it on your own, or "pay the piper his due".
I fully agree with you best, you have very luck to have some one like Ken in your country. i have seen every single videos and that help me a lot.
I do not want to seem like a selfish person. I really apreciate Ken Works.
And i want to thankyou all for your help.

What are your opinion about the boyesen power reeds?
Hello, i was watching in the internet for some disk brakes to adapt on my 02, and i see some guy seling a kawasaki Lakota 300 front brakes with hubs spindlers everything... is that mod possible or they are too difrent? i will post some fotos of the kit
So the guy send-me more pictures of the holes and is measurements and they look a bit diferent.
I'll wait for a day that I can go see for myself. and take 2 a-arms to see if really work :)