Turning my spare/parts blaster into another rebuild


Living life 2 strokes at a time
Jun 23, 2014
Just outside Evansville, IN
It's been a while since I was last on here so I will give a quick background again. A few years ago, I bought 2 blasters in pieces from a family friend for $200 and a brand new, in box vito's +3 crank for $100. To my surprise, one of the torn down blasters had a 240 BB cylinder. So I decided to take the best of both blasters and put them into the newest frame. So here is the 240 with +3 crank blaster I rebuilt a couple years back.
Before and After.jpg

I have a build thread for that on here somewhere. I will try to find the link for those interested but now on to the reason for this thread...

I just packed up all the leftover parts from the previous build plus the parts that were given for the second blaster and moved them into my garage so I can get started. Originally I planned to keep the other blaster and its parts for back-up parts for the above build but I recently decided I don't need them anymore so I am going to rebuild it, sell it, and put that money towards my blaster and 250R build I'm going to start afterwards.

So here are pics of how the build is starting. Its looking strangely familiar to the picture of my other blaster when it first started.

2017-05-10 07.54.52.jpg
2017-05-10 07.55.50.jpg
2017-05-10 07.56.56.jpg
2017-05-10 07.57.06.jpg

I have 2 cylinders that need a MAJOR bore due to scaring and rust, 2 cylinder heads that need cleaned up, 2 carbs (with TORS :mad:), a hacked up wiring harness (PO hacked it up and attempted to put it on an 03+ with an 02- bottom end), complete bottom end (not in pictures), pro circuit pipe, and lots of other little things.

I will try to document and update my work throughout the build but I can't promise anything. Next step is to split the bottom end and see how much work its going to need and take the 2 cylinders and heads to a shop to see if they can be cleaned up or if they need re-sleeved. Since I'm just going to be selling this one, I'll probably keep the one that needs the least work and sell it to one of you lucky members. I won't need it as my current blaster has a 240 and I would never step down from that.
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Got the bottom end split. I found more metal shavings in the bottom than I would really like to see (which would be none) but the gears and all look fine and the crank still rolls over with ease. The woodruff key was sheered on the flywheel, the stator side had a little oil, the drain plug was RTV'd, and the crank seals had some silicone on them so I'm assuming someone along the way didn't know what they were doing when working on this but luckily I think I got it before it did major damage. I'll probably clean it up and put it back together with new crank bearings as the bottom end sat with a rag over it for 2 years, I'm sure they could use a replacement and the crank a good cleaning.

One thing I am confused about was that my counterbalance gear would not slide off the shaft after removing the nut. It's still there as I'm posting this. The case came apart with the counter balance gear still attached. I knew the crank was gonna require some work to get out (which I will do later) but not the counterbalance gear. Any thoughts?

Here is how the bottom end looks now. I just slid the halves slightly together so that I could cover them until I get back to it later.

2017-05-10 22.55.19.jpg
Last night, I was able to replace the crank bearings, inspect the crank, clean the cases, slap them back together, and replace the seals. Its all done except for the oil pump cover I forgot to order. Once that comes in I will be able to put the clutch cover back on and then install the stator and flywheel. Top end should be in today and then I can give that to the shop to bore the cylinder so I can hopefully have a complete motor sealed up this weekend or early next week.

Here's the pic of the cases back together. I know its not as spotless as I would like but it was getting late and the inside is what counts. The clutch cover is just sitting on so that nothing gets in it until the oil pump plate can be installed and the cover installed for good (the old rag will cover it too so don't worry about the open oil fill and oil pump cover).
2017-05-19 00.55.20.jpg
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Finally had time make more progress this last weekend. Top end was put on about a week ago and I mounted the motor one day during the week last week. This weekend though, I was able to get far enough to start the motor for some heat cycles. Don't mind the electrical mess, I still gotta get some bolts and stuff to mount it all but its just there so I could make sure it would start. Here is how it looks in my mess of a garage:
2017-06-25 21.20.06.jpg

Now I just need a few small things like mounting the electrical and the clutch holder thing on the cylinder bolts so I can take it down the road and make sure all is good. Once I can confirm that, its going on craigslist. I'll be glad to have this out of my way so I have room to work on my 250R.
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