need help now!!!

Ok here's th deal. He said they he will sell them. To me for what I want, but he said that there sh*t shocks for racing. And I know there not the best, but for what I can afford, there the est I'm going to find. And also there missing the bushings.
Dude, save your money and work your ass off trying to earn money for the next month or two. Set a goal of $200, then when you get that, wait until a set of works pops up, then buy them! Your not going to get anywhere with $40, and hopes and dreams. That's what I would do anyway. That's what I did actually!
Dude, save your money and work your ass off trying to earn money for the next month or two. Set a goal of $200, then when you get that, wait until a set of works pops up, then buy them! Your not going to get anywhere with $40, and hopes and dreams. That's what I would do anyway. That's what I did actually!

40??? i offered 120. im trying to get shocks b4 race in june. and if not than befor our race. and i know. im be putting up my flyers today.