DON'T rob my house

R&S Polishing

New Member
Jul 5, 2008
Friday left for the weekend things went bad before i even got far lost the tranny in my truck while pulling my toy hauler, limped it back home, threw the close in the wifes car put the dogs back in the house called mother in law to ask her to watch dogs( let them in/out) took off late going to a wedding. Saturday went great until mother in law called @630pm and said someone has been in your house, packed up quickly and hauled a$$ home10:00pm called police yes our house had been burglerised,and the A$$wholes partied at our house all day Saturday just after my mother in law let the dogs out until she showed up @6:30 to put the dogs in they were still here. they partied all day drank all of my fifth of GOOD tequila, drank every bit of hard alcohol that was left in the house, drank all the monday night football beer in the garage fridge, and than ordered delivery pizza from pizza hut and left the reciept with one of them's name and cell # Fing genius'. they paid for the pizza delivery with my wifes collection of 2 dollar bills that they stole from us, and than had cleansed up the house and even took all the empties put them in a trash bag abd took it outside to the trash can and cleansed up the house???? then before they left smoked a bunch of weed in my house. my mother in law didnt smell weed when she was here so our guess is that they were still here and hid because the pizza was delivered after she left. Sunday went to pizza hut police already been their and got description from delivery driver, so i went to corner market 2 blocks from house asked about someone spending 2 dollar bills YES that is odd we have video survalence so we got video of the guy, his vehicle and his d.o.b. 18 he bought 2 packs of cigs and got id'd. so i went on the hunt, cant always trust the police this is a small crime for them to waste my tax dollars on...LOL found the guy last night in a p lot with a couple other guys told the wife to call 911 and when we approached i jumped out grabbed the guy and threw him to the ground got his set the hooks in put him in a sleeper and started yelling at him i think he might have wet himself, standers by were gathering and when my wife went off about being burglerised the crowd got kind of loud and started talking sh*t to the guy cops came and did their job. it is still nice to know that at 41 yrs old and a cancer patient i can still kick some 18 yr olds ass if needed to be. my 14 yr old son who was withus said i didn't know my dad was such a BAD ASS. i just hope he remembers that next time he trys to get mouthy... I:I
awsome bro, shoulda slammed his face into the pavement a few times while waiting for the popo, similar thing at my brothers house, stole his jeep too, they found it downtown, outta gas, i found a receipt in the console the police overlooked, had a pic of the guy within 1/2 hour from circut city, busted !!!!!!! and he admitted he traded my bro's jeep for crack.
so definately worth your own investigation, good work bro!!!!!!
yes man! people like that need an major ass kicking.

I would be sooooo pissed if someone made themselves at home in my house and drank all my booze and had the nerve to do drugs in my house too.

I can't believe you didn't just drive his ass into the pavement when you had the chance.
That... is... AWESOME! That is pretty bad ass considering what your going through too! Been there done that, best of luck to you in your recovery!