as close to race ready blaster and trailer $1800

Apr 21, 2008
long island, New York

A Arms: +3+1 asr chromoly
Swingarm: stock
Steering Stem: stock
Stabilizer: benton racing
Axle: durablue +4
Carrier: stock
Locknut: a/m
Hubs F|R: stock
Bars: fly
Throttle/Clutch Lever: aftermarket
Grips: think scott
Nerfs: ac and u can stand a gorilla on them
Bumper: stock
Grab Bar: ac fatty
Front Shocks: yfz450
Rear Shock: yfz450
Brake Lines: backs are hydro
Rotors F|R:
Rims F|R: stock
Tires F|R: frt carlise rears are a holeshot style

Body: blue no stickers

Frame: stock,straight
Graphics|Seat Cover: stock
Number Backgrounds: stock
Handguards: d n/a
Bar Pad: fly
Fuel Tank: stock

Engine|Drive System: 200cc 2 stoke fun

Bore & Stroke: has been bored once over stock
Carburetor: stock
Air Filter|Box: no lid k&n iu need 2 clean it lol
Pipe|Silencer: paul turner race pipe
Clutch|Plates: stock
Gearing F|R: stock
CDI|Killswitch: stock
Cooling: n/a
Other: well havent been using it, and think i might go to a larger machine. two things its gonna need the air filter cleaned and front tire later in life, bike also has vforce reeds,rear hydros lock em up all day. and a prob lil a few other things any extra parts willl come with the bike a gas tank and wiring harness just 2 name a few. delivery might be available. i live on long island and have a house in liberty,ny so in between there is good 2. the trailer is a 4x8 folding trailer, bill of sale for quad and trailer $1800 package deal or 1650 for blaster and 450 for trailer, thanks and pm me with any questions i have like a millon pics lmk what u need