After several years it is alive and running again...


Jul 15, 2010
Columbia, MO
I think it may have been 3 years or so, but a complete rebuild of the engine is done, new bearings seals, crank, piston, reeds, and carb. Happy to be back as a non bench warmer member of the community.
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3 years, I guess everyone works at their own pace lol. Congrats, you did more than others have done, you got it running again! That's one more blaster running around showing those 4 pokes what a real quad runs like.
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Timing of the failure was just horrible, changed jobs, moved, daughter issues (she has now graduated and given me my first grandson), and I found that there was a lot of tequila calling my name.
Looking good Sam !
I did a similar front bumper on my first build to replace the crushed stock tube, but only did 1 pipe.
Looking good Sam !
I did a similar front bumper on my first build to replace the crushed stock tube, but only did 1 pipe.
Rofl, that was a garage sale shovel handle that I cut up, I bent it using it the first time so I just cut it up. I am thinking that I may tear it down and install frame gussets and do some paint work this winter. I just took off all of the stickers and started to work on the plastic some, so we'll see how far I get, but it is damn good to be able to ride again.