Recent content by jordenjbell

  1. J

    easiet n quickest oil injection removal

    if u did that just put the bolts in the lines, could u put silicne all around it and tape them up so it would never fall off like clampe the hose tot he bolt, and just take the gear out for the oil injection
  2. J

    How To 'Break In' a Two Stroke MUST be done after a top end rebuild

    do the blaster motors that are stock blow up easy and what do i do to block off the oil injection outfit cause i dont want the motor to go
  3. J


    will the tors shut the bike down, like the one i am buyin will start but wont stay goin is that the tors system? and do i ned the block off kit
  4. J


    i was just wondering if it would be ok if i can leave the oil injection thing on and everything and mix the gas as well, is the tors unit also for the oil injection?
  5. J


    hey i am gettina 2001 blaster shpuld i unhook the injection thing and the thing on top of the carb